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The Indefinite Article.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Need ideas everyone

First birthday was a Piñata at the park
Second birthday was a Piñata at home
Third birthday was Blowing Bubbles birthday
Fourth birthday was Water Wars at home
Fifth birthday was Pizza Party and Summer Fun at home and the cul de sac
Sixth birthday was 8-bit Mario swimming Pool Party at the YMCA
End of school Pizza party - home
Seventh birthday was Hoth Rebel Planet Ice Skating party at Ice Rink
End of school DSI party - home

I don't need to mention that ChuckECheese is not an option...

So what do you think an 8 year old boy would enjoy?


  • Wolverine, plays with knives at home party.

    Transformers, drives daddy's car around the neighborhood party.

    Harry Potter, sparklers and roman candles in-door jamborie? (of course at your house)

    Iron-Man, pots and pans on the head
    costume party?

    Help Any?

    By Blogger taggart, at 4:51 PM  

  • Genius, Taggart. Looking forward to Carmen's Bratz Pole Dancing Birthday Bash!!

    By Blogger Killy, at 4:55 PM  

  • You guys have it fairly well covered.

    The build your own whatever party is always a hit. TONS of cardboard and TONS of duct tape and call it a build a spaceship/pirate ship/clubhouse/whatever party.

    Refrigerator places are great for cardboard...mattress places as well.

    Once they get started they go crazy.

    Make sure you have lost of good markers....buy a couple cheap packs from the grocery store.

    Then you are available to cut out windows and doors when asked.

    Although a bratz pole dancing party is also a VERY good idea.

    By Blogger colin, at 9:15 AM  

  • Carol is a Level 5 Cardboard Architect.

    This is mostly likely the direction we are headed.

    It's easy to get caught up in the themed 'party in a box' plans that various venues offer. We have been to parties at bowling alleys, museums, jumping centers, etc ....

    All just outrageous ...

    I'd rather the home party, with a home baked three tier chocolate cake, ice cream and a bag of candy and a stack of presents. We live on a cul-de-sac for crying out loud!

    Everyone is welcome, by the way for Adolfo's 8th birthday party on August 28th. Plans to be announced soon.

    Perhaps Colin could fly in to teach the kids a little skateboarding? Or beard grooming for that matter.

    By Blogger Killy, at 9:30 AM  

  • YESSSS you are RIGHT ON colin!
    I forget to think about cardboard because it's always all over the house as it is!
    So common yet UNCOMMON!!!!
    i am so very excited now
    yes yes yes
    i will say it again
    YES yes

    beware taggart
    that's all i can say....

    By Blogger CarolinaDivina, at 9:38 AM  

  • I will offer my service of attracting overweight news reporters who like to body slam children....always a fun party trick.....new Mothers love this the most.

    By Blogger colin, at 5:30 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger colin, at 5:30 PM  

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