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The Indefinite Article.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Powerbook screen hinge busted

According to the mac guy I spoke with, this is a fairly common occurance and apple doesn't recognize it as a fault on their part. The only way to fix it is to replace the whole screen!!!!!!

we are talking about a large sum of money to fix it he casually mentioned the number 1400. That is when I cursed in foreign tounges and hung up.


  • I have abusted hinge too.
    1400 bucks?
    You're sh*tten me...

    By Blogger JP, at 2:48 PM  

  • my powerbook display died as well. Currently, it's at powerbookresq.com awaiting diagnosis. Hopefully, it won't be necessary to replace the entire display, but if so perhaps a macbook is in my future.

    By Blogger Killy, at 3:03 PM  

  • but are the macbooks still too wonky to buy ?

    By Blogger pablo, at 3:13 PM  

  • Since I am typing this form my macbook, I would say no not too wonky. The only hickups I have had with it has been with Photoshop and I have solved that problem by saving on a regular basis so next time CS2 causes my whole computer to crash it doest want to make me kill myself.
    Like I said, that is the only problem I have had and love it otherwise.
    I bought the white 2gh refurb from Apple for 1150.
    Then bought two gigs of ram from newegg.

    Pablo did your last ibook screen get wonky? (the one now in the McCarthy-Trudeau home).

    By Blogger taggart, at 3:40 PM  

  • ooh, ooh, can you curse in burmese?!? that is a great foreign tongue to curse in. you ain't never been cursed out 'til you been cursed out in burmese.

    By Blogger todd, at 3:44 PM  

  • The ibook that is now in the posession of the amber did indeed develop a problem with the screen. This problem developed maybe a year after the logic board fried up. The problem with the screen was due to a pinched cable, or brocoli soup. I think adolph had it repaired for cheap.

    Do you taggart have a macbook, or a macbook pro?

    By Blogger pablo, at 5:05 PM  

  • I always cuss in Russian - it sounds like you are really going to hurt someone and have no regrets afterward.

    I will start looking into Burmese explative classes.
    Thanks for the tip!

    which computer do you have?
    Powerbook - ibook - maybe if it is the same issue that I have we can start a class action lawsuit.

    By Blogger colin, at 4:24 PM  

  • so what is a reasonable life expectation for a portable computer from apple?
    is 4 years too long or too little?
    i need to budget for the next one to die...

    By Blogger CarolinaDivina, at 9:44 AM  

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