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The Indefinite Article.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Transparent Desktop: The Next Level

PB on Table
Originally uploaded by mmdc.

Okay, this is double mac-nerdliness: In Mac OS X, you can set the terminal application to use a picture as the background. In this picture, the terminal application is set to display a portion of the "transparent desktop" image and the desktop picture has the standard transparency.

I decided that one of the problems with my transparent desktop is that the lighting condition changes during the day. Maybe I could set up a chron job to switch the picture on hour intervals or something so that it would match the real background throughout the day. I also need to make one for the external monitor too.

To do this I need to:

  • Make or buy a camera mount or tripod, and
  • Finish watching the completely addictive Battlestar Gallactica series Paul set upon me through Todd.

Doh! I just had my next transparent desktop idea: Have a mirror behind the PowerBook so that you can see it mirroring the back of the back of the laptop through the desktop.


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