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The Indefinite Article.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Photoshop Question

I have some guides set up all nice and neat for a psd file. I would like to use those same guides on another psd file. Is there a way to use the same guides across multiple files?


  • Well, i don't think you can do what you want to do the way you want to do it. There is, though, a way to get exact guides across multiple documents using the history pallette.

    Problems: #1: You have to set up all your guides before you start working on your document. Then, you click the "create new document from current state" at the bottom of the history pallette and all your guides will come through. Problem #2: If you complete a document (as i suspect you've done) and you want to keep all the guides as you have them. If you click the same button at the bottom of the history pallette it will make an exact copy of your document including the guides. Assuming that you want everything gone except for the guides, then you'll just have to start deleting layers.

    If this isn't too big of a problem for you, then that's how you transfer a full set of guides to a new document.

    Moving a set of guides from one document to an existing document is more difficult, as they don't sit on a moveable layer. maybe you could draw line 'shapes' over your guides and move them onto your new document? that might work assuming that you don't have too many to do. doing this, you could control the guide color and opacity within each document.


    By Blogger Killy, at 1:49 PM  

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    By Blogger Killy, at 1:49 PM  

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    By Blogger Killy, at 1:49 PM  

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