Okay guys, you are invited to my place for a birthday get-together this coming Saturday evening. maybe we'll take the train downtown, maybe it'll be early enough for some museum, details will be TBA right here.
Yes, my birthday is the 15th. I think I have that information in my vCard, if you use those...
I'd love it if you and Todd could come in from Austin. We could get a big game of Risk on or maybe splurge and buy a copy of Axis and Allies and play that.
Yesterday I finally played the LOTR Risk game Killy gave me for Christmas (2?) years ago. I played with the guys who accompany their significant others to knitting Sunday. The game is complicated, idiosyncratic and interesting. Basically, it is like Risk, but with a twisted map, different piece counts (1,3,5 instead of 1,5,10), a special piece that must attack and win specific territories to get cards that are kind of like mission cards but which can be played at any point as circumstances or the card itself warrants, and the game play is limited by the ring's progress across the board.
The ring moves into a new territory with each player's turn and if it is moving from a territory controlled by the "dark" forces, then that dark force gets to roll to "find" it. The roll has to be 12 on two six sided die (some exceptions apply), so there is a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless, that the game may end on the first turn--after you just set up 45 pieces apiece plus 2 special piece--188 pieces on the board to start!
The board is really interesting because it is a rectangle with no around the world travel. However, on the west there are some sea lanes with specific ports to travel from one to another noncontiguous space to another. Additionally, there are mountains and rivers that block travel between bordering territories, so you have to watch the map carefully.
The rules do not allow for "rolling" attacks, so you can't just put all your pieces on one territory and go on a trip around the world in a turn to wipe everyone out. Instead, you have to spread your attacking forces out to move forward in a line, since you can make multiple attacks in a single turn. Additionally, the special pieces add one to your highest dice roll, attacking or defending and there are certain territories with a "place of power" that also add a plus one to the highest die of the defender (for a total of two if you have the special piece there).
is your birthday on the 15th?
pablo, at 12:27 AM
Maybe we can all go for a viewing of Lucas' THX 1138 for your bday, adolph?
Killy, at 10:35 AM
hell yeah! let's go downtown get our drink on and take the train back like responsible adults
todd, at 1:07 PM
Hi Paul,
Yes, my birthday is the 15th. I think I have that information in my vCard, if you use those...
I'd love it if you and Todd could come in from Austin. We could get a big game of Risk on or maybe splurge and buy a copy of Axis and Allies and play that.
Yesterday I finally played the LOTR Risk game Killy gave me for Christmas (2?) years ago. I played with the guys who accompany their significant others to knitting Sunday. The game is complicated, idiosyncratic and interesting. Basically, it is like Risk, but with a twisted map, different piece counts (1,3,5 instead of 1,5,10), a special piece that must attack and win specific territories to get cards that are kind of like mission cards but which can be played at any point as circumstances or the card itself warrants, and the game play is limited by the ring's progress across the board.
The ring moves into a new territory with each player's turn and if it is moving from a territory controlled by the "dark" forces, then that dark force gets to roll to "find" it. The roll has to be 12 on two six sided die (some exceptions apply), so there is a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless, that the game may end on the first turn--after you just set up 45 pieces apiece plus 2 special piece--188 pieces on the board to start!
The board is really interesting because it is a rectangle with no around the world travel. However, on the west there are some sea lanes with specific ports to travel from one to another noncontiguous space to another. Additionally, there are mountains and rivers that block travel between bordering territories, so you have to watch the map carefully.
The rules do not allow for "rolling" attacks, so you can't just put all your pieces on one territory and go on a trip around the world in a turn to wipe everyone out. Instead, you have to spread your attacking forces out to move forward in a line, since you can make multiple attacks in a single turn. Additionally, the special pieces add one to your highest dice roll, attacking or defending and there are certain territories with a "place of power" that also add a plus one to the highest die of the defender (for a total of two if you have the special piece there).
Adolph, at 1:44 PM
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