corporate whore
I have to remind myself on a constant basis not to be so acidic in my evaluation of my work enviroment.
I am suprised and not so suprised to see exactly what is entailed in the full time corpoate gig. The meetings are....well they give one some appreciation of the dilbert comics.
As a designer here, I thought my job would be to make designs that are cool to look at and intriguing in a visual sence. But as it turns out, I am a sales man and what gets approved by the merchandising morons has little to do with being visually compelling, but has everything to do with the B.S. you can spin around it.
If you can give them a story that they can give to the next guy, and that guy can give to the next guy and so forth down the line, that is infinitly more importnat than what the graphics look like.
Well...every Mon - Wed - Fri at 11:45--I grab my shorts, shirt, sock, shin guards, cleats, and ride my bike over to the soccer field and play. All year round.
I am suprised and not so suprised to see exactly what is entailed in the full time corpoate gig. The meetings are....well they give one some appreciation of the dilbert comics.
As a designer here, I thought my job would be to make designs that are cool to look at and intriguing in a visual sence. But as it turns out, I am a sales man and what gets approved by the merchandising morons has little to do with being visually compelling, but has everything to do with the B.S. you can spin around it.
If you can give them a story that they can give to the next guy, and that guy can give to the next guy and so forth down the line, that is infinitly more importnat than what the graphics look like.
Well...every Mon - Wed - Fri at 11:45--I grab my shorts, shirt, sock, shin guards, cleats, and ride my bike over to the soccer field and play. All year round.
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