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The Indefinite Article.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Palo Alto

Currently in palo alto........
third hotel in as many days with only one more hotel to go.
At this point no amount..................wait a sec....Mark just confirmed we are going to ALASKA in January.............prepare to meet the
coldest brown guy ever.
sorry.....again NO AMOUNT of free coffee creme brulee or designer toiletries can save me.......
I miss my wife very much......
Cal-E-fourn-YA is a weird messed up land.
Arnorld is Gov.
I just saw a add in the paper for a 1300 sq foot 2 bdroom 1 bath house for 715,000 dollars........
The weather is nice.......but is it that nice....??????
is it quanitfiable...........
against the stress of paying 1200 dollars a month for a 600 sq ft apartment with window units and carpet........
Get me out of here.


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