">'); win.document.writeln(''); win.document.writeln(''); }

The Indefinite Article.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

St. Louis

I will be heading out to St. Louis in a couple of weeks with my grandpa, and my old man. We will be attending a reunion of the 8th Air Force 491'st Bomber Group. Any body ever been to Saint Louie? Is there anything out there that I should check out?

Monday, September 29, 2003

Conference in November

Fontainebleau Hilton Resort, reads like such a nice place, such an ugly website...

Exhibits in San Fran

They have an "American Splendor" exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum. I am think I want to see the movie before the exhibit.

They also have a Marc Chagal exhibit at the San Fran Museum of Modern Art. Last time I went the admin was a bit pricey but the museum was nice.


Are you still in Cali?
I will be in San Fran Sun thru Tue if want a place to crash...will be able to hang out Sun but the rest of the time will be shooting.
Just thought I would let you know.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

SA r00lerz

I think you are refering to Something Awful. Yes, I drop by SA and Fark now and then. About today's awful link:
The site we are going to take a look at today is a German furry music site called "Jumpy's Music". Furries playing musical instruments is just one of many bad ideas that the internet spawns daily.

American Splendor

After seeing 'Lost in Translation' stick around the theater for next showing of American Splendor. Even though I was clearly under the influence of free popcorn I can honestly say that I really enjoyed the movie. I recommend it highly, especially to those who have vast creative potential, energy, resources and tools, and who spend a long part of their day bored at a desk in a hospital...

What Adolph reads

What about that really awfull site where that guys picks on little kids artwork and basically spends his spare time hating the world.

I went and saw Lost in Translation last night.........highly recommend that you go do the same.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Paul asked . . .

. . . via email what blogs do I read. Well, between feverishly hitting refresh over at MacRumors I keep up with the Awful Plastic Surgery weblog.

Scooped this one from Zeldman

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

This Old Mac O' Mine....

...is no longer on my desk!

Funny, not ten minutes after i read adolph's post my boss comes into my office and tells me that they no longer need the files that were 'lost' on the mac; they had been found on a cd.


the old mac was promptly removed from my office and sent to the warehouse to die a lonely death. Thanks for the offer adolph. As for donating the imac:

can't do that....the blue mac is my sister's imac (yes, i have to go and pick it up) and the pink mac is on its way to the valley this thanksgiving when we visit fidel. Captain Pinky winky is being re-assigned to what might as well be the Antartic.

Mr. Burns wants you to vote republican!

a dthree production

This Old Mac

Hey Killy, I have some old adb keyboards and mice and the portrait monitor. You can borrow them. Also, your iMac is still at my place. Are you going to ship that down to the valley someday? If not, I could definitely put it to work at the NMSS and you could bet a tax write-off for donating it...

Monday, September 22, 2003


so paul, do you have a job?

Darth Vader wants you to vote republican!

a dthree production

Hey carol, happy birthday!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Old Macs and Old Friends

thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to try to follow as many 'on-site' leads as i can. There are some depts (namely, physics) that use Macs all the time, so i may be able to get my hands on an old monitor from there, or at least a converting cable - we'll see.

Yeah, it's got an ethernet port. I don't forsee a prob actually getting the files off, just getting file sharing turned on!

JUST THOUGHT OF THIS!!!! - i also need an old mac mouse! I THREW THEM OUT!!!! ARGH!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Performa Problems

One of my old portraitt displays ought to work fine. There are inexpensive adapters that allow you to use old-skool mac video (db-15) with regular vga. Does this computer have ethernet or something you can use to transfer old files off of it?

Friday, September 19, 2003

Permora Problems

Hey man sorry to hear about your performa probs....
As I understand it, It happens to every man at some point in their life.


So yes to connect a current monitor to a old mac you will need an adapter of you will need an old mac monitor.
I have no idea where you could get one....maybe a mac wherehouse or maybe even at Microcenter there in Houston.
Maybe Adolph's
Good Luck.

Hey Dave:

VoiceML, Here We Come!

This is so cool:Boston.com Software turns phone into walkie-talkie

Comet Hits Jupiter

just a very very very cool problem. I've always loved physics.

Performa 6300

I've got a Performa that i have to pull the files off of. I don't have a monitor for it (not even a power cable)....

my question: can i use any monitor or do i have to have a specific 'mac monitor' as my boss describes it?

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Beat Around the ...

Hey guys, this article is a must-read on how to defeat Bush

Laszlo - Laszlo Tutorials

This is very interesting:Laszlo - Laszlo Tutorials

Wednesday, September 17, 2003


I am back from dallas.......
I am very sad to hear about Ben.....I even asked about him while I was hanging out with the Gholson's.

This is a report from San Diego- this foreign place:

Read: King Of The World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero

Watch: Blue (Trois couleurs:Bleu) 1993 Krzysztof Kieslowski

Listen to: Bring the Pain - Missy Eliot and Method Man

PC4P - PDF Class for PHP

PC4P - PDF Class for PHP This looks very promising.

As seen on Somthing Awful

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I'm glad I'm not . . .

. . . in the PowerBook market right now, otherwise I would have that "hmmm, how do I justify buying..." feeling about Apple's displays. The new 12" still has the dongle connector, just like the old 12" and the iBook, but now it is "mini-DVI out." In my 12, the video out is VGA; it works with the good old analog standard. Apple's current displays are available only in ADC, or Apple's proprietary digital video connector for which there is a DVI to ADC connector. So with the new Powerbook G4 12", you can run a Cinema Display.

(. . . on the other hand, my old PB may be able to use one of the adapters to get DVI out . . .)

Happy Birthday to Adolph!?

Do Fish Fart?

New Scientist: The Last Word Science Questions and Answers

ooooooh, I want the bumper sticker paul!!!

very sad about Ben-I'll never forget Killy's dog sitting stories, about placing the newspaper "just right."


BEN, kerri and kris' lovable dog, was struck by a car about two sundays ago. Anyone have any old pics of ben around?

Any thoughts?

a dthree production

I think...

That this is the year of the powerbook!

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Any thoughts?

a dthree production

Friday, September 12, 2003

So Close

Asian Girls Kickin' Ass

the end

the end of an era.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Fun with CSS. Check out:

The No Tables Gallery for the ultimate in all css, no-tables, no-page reload, gosh-i-hope-your browser-supports-this-feature version of my gallery....

Abram: The Litigator

so is he going to sue these guys or what?

on a more serious note: where can we get this book?

Abram still kicking

Good to see that Abram is still around agitating. Killy, do you remember Abram?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

BloggerPro for free?

Blogger bucks premium-services trend | CNET News.com


I've been getting up to speed with css for the 2004 BP MS 150 site and have started to discover how challenging browser quirks are. At first, I thought totally using em as a measurement was the way to go. When you look at the Em Measurements page in Safari, everything scales up and down when the user increases or descreases the overall font size. An em is a unit of measure based on the size of a font and changes based on the size of the font. This is really nice. However, Internet Explorer does behave the same way. Instead of resizing the position of any block defined by an em measurement, it keeps the blocks in the same place and stuff gets yucky. Today I'll be checking them out in Windows browsers. Below are a few experiments:

there is an island with feathers

on my way home there is an island with a row of meticulously spaced trees planted in it. In these trees a horde of black birds gather at sunset. If you drive by (maybe on your way to blockbuster or even kroger) with your windows down you can hear them cawing at each other. If you walk by the area you can see the white caked bird poop spotting the road, sidewalk, and grass.

What you also see are feathers -- seemingly hurled to the ground, like darts, the way they poke out of the ground.

Pictures soon.

Monday, September 08, 2003


Listamatic; very nice; spotted on zeldman.com.

Any thoughts?

Rumsfeld's War on Diplomacy

The Message, The Money, The Masses

ESPN's Superheadline Flash

This is a pretty interesteding use of flash to make headlines on espn.com.

A Breif History of the Quinceanera


"La Quinceanera"
The tradition of the quinceanera comes from ancient Mexican society. The origin of the quinceanera can be traced back to the Aztecs about 500 B.C.

Purpose: Fifteen was the age at which boys became warriors and girls were also presented to the community because they were looked upon as the vital force of the tribe and its future since they had the power to become mothers and to give future warriors to the tribe. The fifteen-year old Aztec girl was exhorted and instructed by the King in the duties of womanhood, and the funeral honors for an Aztec woman who died in childbirth were the some as those for a warrior who fell in battle.

In Mexican society, the quinceanera evolved into a rite of social initiation intended to teach and to reinforce important cultural values.

In modern times a quinceanera is celebrated to acknowledge a young maiden's passage into womanhood. The ceremony is a reaffirmation of the baptismal vows made by her parents.

Friday, September 05, 2003

Happy birthday Killy!

Thursday, September 04, 2003

This is a test of a cocoa blogging tool I am writing in objective-c. Does it work?

Now I am testing to see if I can edit a post....and does html work?

There's no such thing as lies!

Hey Paul,
Untruths do not exist.


Netcraft Uptime Survey

Last login: Wed Sep 3 20:41:08 on console
Welcome to Darwin!
[Adolph-Trudeaus-Computer:~] adolph% time
0.040u 0.000s 0:02.14 1.8% 0+0k 64+4io 0pf+0w
[Adolph-Trudeaus-Computer:~] adolph% uptime
1:27PM up 16 days, 4:38, 2 users, load averages: 0.21, 0.24, 0.17

Book Review:

I just finished reading Al Franken's latest: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.

It is really, really funny. It is also really disturbing. One wants to hope that the lies he exposes aren't true. I know that sounds odd.

Paul: Open Firmware Password ... contains the capital ... 'U'... not recognized

MacInTouch Home Page: Apple/Macintosh news, information and analysis: "Apple documents an odd Open Firmware password problem in a new Knowledge Base article:
If you used Open Firmware Password utility to create a password that contains the capital letter 'U', your password will not be recognized during the startup process (when you try to access Startup Manager, for example). "

Cool Power Mac G5 Pics

Power Mac G5 Saw this on www.xlr8yourmac.com. Very nice pics. Afterwards the photographer has a link to a PC using friend's parody web site.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

swf to avi: reloaded

well, i tried to open your 'officizing' swf in qt pro, and that won't work. i guess, it was made post qt 5. anyway, when i double clicked the swf from the desktop, it launched flash and was there on the timeline as if i had the original flash (.fla) file. I thought that was weird; i expected flash player to launch and play the swf itself. Anyway, from there i exported the movie to qt (and qt video; there are two choices). When i exported to quicktime, it cancelled the export and said there was something up with my version of qt (as if it were too old). When i exported it as a qt 'video', it exported but came out chopped.

The words 'officizing' were chopped off and the right side was also chopped. Weird. Any ideas....?

RE: Saving SWF's as AV

Saving SWF's as AV

The easiest thing is to open the swf in quicktime player pro (version 5 or earlier swf) and then export to an avi.

Saving SWF's as AVI


is there anyway to save an swf to an avi?

prolly, the first thing you are thinking is, "why would you want to do that anyway?" The reason is, cause my boss asked me to. (I'm pretty sure the final destination is powerpoint -- it's ALL ABOUT POWERPOINT here at MDACC.) I pulled down adolph's 'officizing' swf from chairjockey, and tried to open it in various apps that i have. None would open it, save internet explorer (which, of course, has the plug-in to play swf), but couldn't save it/export as a different file.

Is there anyway to do it without having flash software? also: does flash have the ability to save as mov/avi?

Bday party

I want to thank everyone so much for making Killito's first birthday party such a wonderful success. I'll try and post some of the photos later tonight. I don't think i got any video unfortunately; adolph's "try it with the blast shield down" pinata poses were classic. If only he could master 'the force' could he have managed to hit the thing at least once.

Luckily, Barbara and Stephanie were there to rip the thing apart, dumping a load of candy and toys on the grass below. The kids scrambled and came away with gift bags BULGING. Carol was happy.